Monday, August 17, 2015

The Blessing- Week 3

What's up Idahomies? I love to hear from you all and just see the blessings in your lives and how happy everyone is and all the great times! You are all in my prayers and it is so fulfilling to see each of those prayers answered every week. 
My Oklahomies are doing super great too!! Everyday is filled with meeting and talking to lots of people and I can't express how much I enjoy that time. I grow to love these people so much in just 30 minutes to an hour of talking with them!! Whether they are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or a member of another church they are all so kind and inviting and wonderful. I have still yet to have a day where I wasn't fed by a family and not all of the families that have fed us are even LDS. I can't say enough about them, I just love them so much.
It was really cool to have zone pday last Monday and to have a dart war then play a cool rendition of dodgeball. Then my district went to Eskimo Joe's, which is a huge tourist attraction for food in OK, and we had an STM (Specialized Training Meeting) following dinner. 
Elder Balch and I have spent the majority of our time with less-active, inactive, and part member families since we have been here and I love to be with them and they are so kind and I love them but it makes me so sad. When they are baptized and living the gosepl everything just seems to go better, they are happier, their family relationships are better and they just love life but when they aren't living the principles of the Gospel their life starts to turn down and things begin to get so much harder.-That is probably the hardest thing for me to see. They know the truth and have experienced the joy but have turned away and it makes my heart ache to see them go through turmoil. 
We had a really really cool experience this week though! We had a lemonade stand on a corner and just gave out free lemonade to anyone that would take it! We, being missionaries, of course gave handouts with our phone numbers on them and even gave out copies of the Book of Mormon! We really got to visit with a lot of people and it was just a really neat missionary experience for me. 
The work is hastening and I am so glad/blessed to be apart of it! Every single person we meet and every single house we go to in every single day has a story and I wish I could tell you all of it because it really just makes me so happy and I love it but I don't want to bore you anymore and I'm out of time so I am satisfied with saying everything is going great and I love to be a missionary in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints serving the people of Oklahoma.-What a privilege and blessing!

Keep the faith and thank you for the prayers, they really are felt and answered.

Elder Ricks

Challenge: My district from the MTC decided we wanted to read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year but we wanted to do it with a specific question/focus: How does the Gospel of Jesus Christ bless your life and make you happy?(As you live it of course) I am so excited about this and I hope you will join me in it!

PS: I love to hear from everyone and would love to receive a letter throughout the week!
1700 Kickingbird Apartment 1753
 Edmond Oklahoma, 73034

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