Monday, February 29, 2016

The Blessing- Week 31

What an incredible week!! We saw miracle after miracle with the Helgenberger's this week leading up to the baptism on Saturday. It was such an incredible feeling of overcoming joy and peace seeing each of those beautiful young children get baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. I love my job! We are in the business of relationships and bringing souls unto Christ.-Can you imagine anything better than building relationships with people you love and seeing their lives be filled with newfound blessings and joy when they come closer to Christ?

I can't believe the transfer is already over this week, and I get to stay in Edmond 2nd with Elder Morton!  The time is going way too fast and always reminds me of why it is so important to give everything you have every second you get because it basically comes down to giving 730 days of your life to remember for the rest of your life. 

We are meeting new people to teach everyday! Right after the baptism on Saturday, we went to visit a member in the ward who is less-active and has a family who are not members. They weren't home so we walked down the street to talk to someone we saw but they ended up getting in the car and leaving before we could get to them so we turned around and started back for the car. On our way back we heard someone say "You aren't going to be able to talk to anyone if you just walk up and down the street!" So we turned around, somewhat embarrassed, to see who had said that because we didn't see anyone else outside. He was standing on the other side of his truck and we began to talk to this man and came to find out that his best friend growing up was LDS and served a mission so he was just trying to give us a hard time. We continued talking to him and later learned that he and his wife are looking for a church. We are excited to see how our meeting with them goes this upcoming week.

Little miracles like this happen multiple times every day! God is good and has prepared the hearts of many to receive the gospel. Sometimes we are able to find them, sometimes they find us, other times the are brought to us by their member friends, regardless of the way we come in contact, we cherish every conversation and relationship and strive to bring each person closer to Christ. I am so grateful for my call to serve and wouldn't trade it for anything. May God bless you all this week with opportunities to invite someone to come unto Christ. 

Keep the faith,

Elder Ricks

Elder Ricks is going to come home a pro golfer.  He has spent so many pdays at the golf course!

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