Monday, January 4, 2016

The Blessing- Week 22 & 23

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year friends and family!

I hope and pray you all had a wonderful day, week, and season. It is always one of my favorite times of the years because people take an extra step to help others out and make them happier or lighten their burdens at this time so it is easy to feel that pure love of Christ at this time of the year. But as a missionary it was an especially powerful spirit to feel this holiday season. I wish we could all stay motivated to do good all year so that spirit never leaves. May we all take some time to evaluate where we are at and consider setting a goal for this upcoming year to help another person.

Christmas Day:
-Woke up, Exercised, Opened Letters/Cards and Presents 
-Went to the Morley's (Amazing/Favorite(s) Members)
Facetime with my best friends Mom, Dad, Tyson, Carson, Ashlynn and Analee and Maria.
It was so great to visit with my family and such a dear friend. 
-Service at the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City
-Bombing Memorial
-Dinner with the Rudd's (Amazing/Favorite(s) Members)
We watched the Cokeville Miracle with them

New Years Eve:
-Dinner with the Parry's (Amazing/Favorite(s) Members)
-Lesson with incredibly sweet investigator who was one of the first leukemia survivors in 1965.
-Saw the Eckman's for a few minutes (Amazing/Favorite(s) Members)
-Party with the Parry's (Amazing/Favorite(s) Members) playing celetial pursuit and then watching the Ball Drop at 11:00.

-We had three seperate earthquakes this last week where the epicenter was less that a couple miles away from our apartment. They all hit around the same time in the morning on different days at about 5:40a.m. Each one was over a 4.1! Unlike what we did in California two years ago while at nationals for cheer when we were in an earthquake there, Elder Hilton and I woke up, looked at each other, kinda smiled and laughed that we could feel earthquakes like that in Oklahoma and hit our heads on the pillow and crashed until it was really time to wake up at 6:25. 

Miracle/Tender Mercy:
-We are teaching the 11 year old daughter of some members who fell into less-activity after their conversion 8 years ago. They speak Chuukese so their English is very broken but Darmelyn speaks great English! Anyways, she is the sweetest thing. We ask her to pray at the end of each lesson and each time it is the most special, tender feeling. She expresses her gratitude to Heavenly Father for her family over and over again and is just so sweet and innocent. She is planning on being baptized on January 23rd and it is going to be the most special day in the world. It makes me never want to stop doing what I am doing.

Until next week, Keep the Faith.
Elder Ricks

Facetiming my family on Christmas:

 Bombing Memorial:

Service at the Cox Center:

Ice Storm #2:

1 comment:

  1. That’s a lovely post and I just loved reading it. Your trip to Cox Center looks interesting. I am sure you had a blasting Christmas Eve. I also spend fun time with family on this holy day. We attended a grand event at a popular convention center.
